Teacher Tech Page

The Status of Information Learning Technology at MPA


Resources for Teachers in Using Technology to Teach, to Learn, to Communicate and to Manage Information

Technology Standards for Students and Teachers

These items were presented to the MPA BOD on February 28, 2006.

· American Montessori Society Statement on Information Technology

· Jefferson County Student Technology Standards Overview

· Jefferson County Student Technology Standards for Second Grade (novice level)

· Jefferson County Student Technology Standards for Fifth Grade (basic level)

· Jefferson County Student Technology Standards for Eighth Grade (proficient level)

· Colorado Department of Education Guidelines and Examples for the Implementation of Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers

As a result of that meeting technology was added to the MPA budget. Each teacher recieved a new computer in October of 2006. A copy fo the budget proposal,which was a three year plan, is avialable upon request.

Technology Training

In order to fulfill our mission of using technology to teach, learn, communicate and manage information teachers will need training in using technology for these goals. Members of the MPA Teacher Tech Committee are available to give some support to their colleagues. This entire website is an example of using technology to meet all of these goals.


Below are some resources for learning to use some common software programs that many teachers utilize in delivering standards based instruction. Our new computers at MPA have these applications. Click on the name of the program for online practice modules developed just for teachers.

Our Word Processing Program is Microsoft Word

Our operating system - XP Pro includes - PowerPoint

We also have EXCEL

Inspriation was in the budget for each classroom. Please explore this to see all the ways you will be able to use this for teaching, learning and comunicating. Kidspiration is the version for use by young children.

Here is a copy of the Colorado Standards with the correlations to Inspiration activities and templates noted in the document.

See the Online Student Resources and Teacher Resources pages for many other teacher developed or teacher approved web based resources for teachers to use with thier students.

Teacher Tech Committee News

Check back for updates.